Sponsorship opportunities for BIS 2020 allow recognition to an international audience of educators and practitioners.
Board of Directors level: $10000
- Recognition as the presenting sponsor on all materials
- 3-5 minute presentation at opening ceremony
- Four registrations
- Logo on major swag item (e.g., polo shirts or power bank)
- Product/poster display by the registration desk
- Recognition at the opening and closing sessions
- Single-color logo on the program booklet, promotional materials, and website
- Swag bag inserts (printed material, swag items)
CEO level: $5000
- Recognition as the sponsor of reception or midday meal
- Two registrations
- Product/poster display by the registration desk
- Recognition at the opening and closing sessions
- Single-color logo on the program booklet, promotional materials, and website
- Swag bag inserts (printed material, small swag items)
President level: $2500
- One registration
- Recognition as the sponsor of a coffee breaks
- Single-color logo on the program booklet, promotional materials, and website
- Swag bag inserts (printed material, small swag item)
Director level: $500
- Single-color logo on the program booklet, promotional materials, and website
- Swag bag inserts (printed material, small swag item)
For more information on sponsorships or attending BIS 2020 please contact either Stephanie Horton, UCCS Assistant Director of Development, at Stephanie.horton@uccs.edu or Gary Klein, Professor of Informaiton Systems, at gklein@uccs.edu.